V soboto je v Rogaški Slatini potekalo že 17. tekmovanje iz znanja računalništva za otroke iz vrtcev in prvega triletja OŠ.
Tekmovanje že od leta 1997 organizira Zveza za tehnično kulturo Slovenije – ZOTKS z namenom uvajanja najmlajših v računalništvo.
Tokrat se je tekmovanja udeležilo 78 otrok, našo šolo pa so odlično zastopali naslednji učenci, ki so naši šoli zopet priborili pokal za najboljšo šolo:
JULIJA MESEC IN ANA BOKAL (zmagali med drugimi razredi)
TILEN POKORN IN PETER BOŠNJAK (zmagala med tretjimi razredi)
Čestitke vsem učencem
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It’s inspiring to see initiatives like this encouraging young minds to explore technology early on. Competitions like these not only build technical skills but also instill teamwork and creativity in students. For anyone interested in understanding public records or looking for detailed background information, tools like Campbell KY Find Mugshots can provide valuable insights. Keep supporting educational and informational growth!
It’s inspiring to see the enthusiasm and skill of young learners participating in the 17th Computer Science Competition in Rogaška Slatina! This event, organized by the Zveza za tehnično kulturo Slovenije, is a fantastic way to introduce the youngest generation to the world of technology. Congratulations to the students who represented your school so well and earned the trophy for the best school! For those interested in exploring useful resources for research or other professional needs, Tennessee Bail Bonds is a valuable platform offering accessible legal information. Keep up the great work fostering curiosity and learning.
What an incredible achievement by the students of Rogaška Slatina! Congratulations to all the young minds who participated in the 17th Computer Science Competition. It’s inspiring to see such talent and enthusiasm from these young students, especially as they continue to excel and bring home the trophy for the best school. Kudos to Julija Mesec, Ana Bokal, Matej Kafol, Hana Kolendo, Tilen Pokorn, Peter Bošnjak, Tim Korošec, and Tina Ramovš for their hard work and dedication. For anyone looking for more educational resources, MA Criminal History could be an interesting tool to explore. Keep up the great work, and here’s to many more successes.
It’s great to see young minds excelling in the field of computer science! Competitions like these encourage children to explore new technologies and improve their skills. If you’re interested in learning more about public records and legal information, you can explore options like Hidalgo County Mugshot Lookup, which offer tools to search criminal histories, mugshots, and more. Keep up the great work, and best of luck to all the participants.