Božiček v naši predavalnici


bozicek18. 12. je v predavalnici šole Božiček obiskal otroke iz socialno šibkih družin. Božičkova darila je prispevalo območno združenje Rdečega križa Škofja Loka, kulturni program za otroke in odrasle, ki so jih spremljali, pa mlajši dramski krožek (mentorica Janja Rojc Pintar, zaigrali so odlomek iz Pike Nogavičke), angleški dramski krožek (mentorica Betka Mahnič, zapeli so pesmi in predstavili šolo nekoč in danes) in starejši dramski krožek (mentorica Kristina Strnad, zaigrali so odlomek iz Sovice Oke).




Fotografijo prispeval Nejc Hafner

(Skupno 316 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)

komentarji 3

  1. duck life pravi:

    Duck Life, the fourth installment in the beloved Duck Life game series, takes players on a thrilling journey through the vibrant world of duck racing and competition. Developed by Wix Games, Duck Life builds upon the success of its predecessors, offering enhanced graphics, new gameplay mechanics, and exciting challenges for players to enjoy.

  2. pravi:

    Providing a highly realistic driving simulation, this game uses advanced soft-body physics to authentically simulate vehicle behavior. In, players can test a range of vehicles across various terrains, with the main objective being to push the limits of what each car can do.

  3. By marking boxes on a grid, players aim to solve puzzles and complete patterns. In one million checkboxes each level presents new rules and challenges, pushing players to think critically and plan their moves carefully. As the game progresses, the complexity of the puzzles increases, making it crucial to pay attention to the details and follow the instructions precisely.

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